About 130 years after the discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the disease remains a persistent threat and a leading cause of death worldwide. The greatest disaster that can happen to a patient with tuberculosis (TB) is that the organisms become resistant to two or more of the standard drugs. In contrast to drug sensitive (DS) tuberculosis, its multi-drug resistant (MDR) form is much more difficult and expensive to recover from. Thus, early detection of the drug resistance (DR) status is of great importance for effective treatment. The most commonly used methods of DR detection are either expensive or take too much time (up to several month). Therefore there is a need for quick and at the same time cheap methods of DR detection. One of the possible approaches for this task is based on Computed Tomography (CT) image analysis.
Another challenging task is automatic detection of TB types using CT volumes. |
- 23.5.2017: Deadline for submission of working notes papers by the participants extended until 31 May.
- 1.2.2017:training data for the two tasks are made available
- 17.11.2016:first information on the task being available on the web pages
Participant registration
Participant registration
Please refer to the general registration section for ImageCLEF 2017.
- 15.11.2016: registration opens for all ImageCLEF tasks (until 22.04.2016)
- 01.02.2017: development data release starts
- 15.03.2017: test data release starts
- 05.05.2017: deadline for submission of runs by the participants
- 15.05.2017: release of processed results by the task organizers
- 31.05.2017
26.05.2017: deadline for submission of working notes papers by the participants
- 17.06.2017: notification of acceptance of the working notes papers
- 01.07.2017: camera ready working notes papers
- 11.-14.09.2017: CLEF 2017, Dublin, Ireland
Subtasks Overview
The ImageCLEFtuberculosis task includes two independent subtasks.
Subtask #1: MDR Detection
The goal of this subtask is to assess the probability of a TB patient having resistant form of tuberculosis based on the analysis of chest CT scan.
Subtask #2: Detection of TB Type
The goal of this subtask is to automatically categorize each TB case into one of the following five types: Infiltrative, Focal, Tuberculoma, Miliary, Fibro-cavernous.
Data collection
Subtask #1: MDR Detection
For subtask #1, a dataset of 3D CT images is used along with a set of clinically relevant metadata. The dataset includes only HIV-negative patients with no relapses and having one of the two forms of tuberculosis: drug sensitive (DS) or multi-drug resistant (MDR).
# Patients |
Train |
Test |
DS |
134 |
101 |
96 |
113 |
Total patients |
230 |
214 |
Subtask #2: Detection of TB Type
The dataset used in subtask #2 includes chest CT scans of TB patients along with the TB type.
# Patients |
Train |
Test |
Type 1 |
140 |
80 |
Type 2 |
120 |
70 |
Type 3 |
100 |
60 |
Type 4 |
80 |
50 |
Type 5 |
60 |
40 |
Total patients |
500 |
300 |
For both subtasks we provide 3D CT images with slice size of 512*512 pixels and number of slices varying from about 50 to 400. All the CT images are stored in NIFTI file format with .nii.gz file extension (g-zipped .nii files). This file format stores raw voxel intensities in Hounsfield units (HU) as well the corresponding image metadata such as image dimensions, voxel size in physical units, slice thickness, etc. A freely-available tool called "VV" can be used for viewing image files. Currently, there are various tools available for reading and writing NIFTI files. Among them there are load_nii and save_nii functions for Matlab and Niftilib library for C, Java, Matlab and Python.
Moreover, for all patients in both subtasks we provide automatic extracted masks of the lungs. This material can be downloaded together with the patients CT images. The details of this segmentation can be found here.
In case the participants use these masks in their experiments, please refer to the section "Citations" at the end of this page to find the appropriate citation for this lung segmentation technique.
Submission instructions
Disclaimer: This section is not final yet and may be subject to changes
Please note that each group is allowed a maximum of 10 runs per subtask.
Subtask #1: MDR Detection
Submit a plain text file named with the prefix MDR (e.g. MDRfree-text.txt) with the following format:
- <Patient-ID>,<Probability of MDR>
- MDR_TST_001,0.1
- MDR_TST_002,1
- MDR_TST_003,0.56
- MDR_TST_004,0.02
Please use a score between 0 and 1 to indicate the probability of the patient having MDR
You need to respect the following constraints:
- Only use numbers between 0 and 1 for the score. Use the dot (.) as a decimal point (no commas accepted)
- Patient-IDs must be part of the predefined Patient-IDs
- All patient-IDs must be present in the runfiles
Subtask #2: Detection of TB Type
Submit a plain text file named with the prefix TBT (e.g. TBTfree-text.txt) with the following format:
- TBT_TST_501,1
- TBT_TST_502,3
- TBT_TST_503,5
- TBT_TST_504,4
- TBT_TST_505,2
Please use the following Codes for the TB types:
1 for Infiltrative
2 for Focal
3 for Tuberculoma
4 for Miliary
5 for Fibro-cavernous
You need to respect the following constraints:
- Only use the defined codes for the various TB types
- Only use one TB type per patient
- PatientIDs must be part of the predefined Case-IDs
- All patient-IDs must be present in the runfiles
Evaluation methodology
Subtask #1: MDR Detection
The results will be evaluated using ROC-curves produced from the probabilities provided by participants.
Subtask #2: Detection of TB Type
The results will be evaluated using unweighted Cohen’s Kappa (sample Matlab code).
DISCLAIMER : The results presented below have not yet been analyzed in-depth and are shown "as is". The results are sorted by descending AUC for Task 1 and descending Kappa for Task 2.
Task 1 - Multi-drug resistance detection |
Group Name |
Run |
Run Type |
Rank |
MDR_Top1_correct.csv |
Automatic |
0.5825 |
0.5164 |
1 |
MDR_submitted_topBest3_correct.csv |
Automatic |
0.5727 |
0.4648 |
2 |
MDR_submitted_topBest5_correct.csv |
Automatic |
0.5624 |
0.4836 |
3 |
SGEast |
MDR_LSTM_6_probs.txt |
Not applicable |
0.5620 |
0.5493 |
4 |
SGEast |
MDR_resnet_full.txt |
Not applicable |
0.5591 |
0.5493 |
5 |
SGEast |
MDR_BiLSTM_25_wcrop_probs.txt |
Not applicable |
0.5501 |
0.5399 |
6 |
MDR_supervoxels_run_1.txt |
Automatic |
0.5415 |
0.4930 |
7 |
SGEast |
MDR_LSTM_18_wcrop_probs.txt |
Not applicable |
0.5404 |
0.5540 |
8 |
SGEast |
MDR_LSTM_21wcrop_probs.txt |
Not applicable |
0.5360 |
0.5070 |
9 |
MDR_Top2_correct.csv |
Automatic |
0.5337 |
0.4883 |
10 |
MDR_basecnndo_212.csv |
Automatic |
0.5297 |
0.5681 |
11 |
SGEast |
MDR_LSTM_25_wcrop_probs.txt |
Not applicable |
0.5297 |
0.5211 |
12 |
BatmanLab |
MDR_submitted_top5.csv |
Automatic |
0.5241 |
0.5164 |
13 |
MDR_basecnndo_113.csv |
Automatic |
0.5237 |
0.5540 |
14 |
MDR_TST_RUN_1.txt |
Automatic |
0.5184 |
0.5352 |
15 |
BatmanLab |
MDR_submitted_top4_0.656522.csv |
Automatic |
0.5130 |
0.5024 |
16 |
MDR_Top3_correct.csv |
Automatic |
0.5112 |
0.4413 |
17 |
MDR_basecnndo_132.csv |
Automatic |
0.5054 |
0.5305 |
18 |
MDR_basecnndo_182.csv |
Automatic |
0.5042 |
0.5211 |
19 |
MDR_basecnndo_116.csv |
Automatic |
0.5001 |
0.4930 |
20 |
MDR_basecnndo_142.csv |
Automatic |
0.4995 |
0.5211 |
21 |
MDR_basecnndo_120.csv |
Automatic |
0.4935 |
0.4977 |
22 |
SGEast |
MDR_resnet_partial.txt |
Not applicable |
0.4915 |
0.4930 |
23 |
BatmanLab |
MDR-submitted_top1.csv |
Automatic |
0.4899 |
0.4789 |
24 |
BatmanLab |
MDR_SuperVx_Hist_FHOG_rf_0.648419.csv |
Automatic |
0.4899 |
0.4789 |
25 |
Aegean Tubercoliosis |
Automatic |
0.4833 |
0.4648 |
26 |
BatmanLab |
MDR_SuperVx_FHOG_rf_0.637994.csv |
Automatic |
0.4601 |
0.4554 |
27 |
BioinformaticsUA |
MDR_run1.txt |
Not applicable |
0.4596 |
0.4648 |
28 |
Task 2 - Tuberculosis type classification |
Group Name |
Run |
Run Type |
Kappa |
Rank |
SGEast |
TBT_resnet_full.txt |
Not applicable |
0.2438 |
0.4033 |
1 |
SGEast |
TBT_LSTM_17_wcrop.txt |
Not applicable |
0.2374 |
0.3900 |
2 |
TBT_T_GNet.txt |
Automatic |
0.2329 |
0.3867 |
3 |
SGEast |
TBT_LSTM_13_wcrop.txt |
Not applicable |
0.2291 |
0.3833 |
4 |
Image Processing |
TBT-testSet-label-Apr26-XGao-1.txt |
Automatic |
0.2187 |
0.4067 |
5 |
SGEast |
TBT_LSTM_46_wcrop.txt |
Not applicable |
0.2174 |
0.3900 |
6 |
TBT_iiggad_PCA_RF_run_1.txt |
Automatic |
0.1956 |
0.3900 |
7 |
TBT_TEST_RUN_2_GoogleNet_10crops_at_different_scales_.txt |
Automatic |
0.1900 |
0.3733 |
8 |
SGEast |
TBT_resnet_partial.txt |
Not applicable |
0.1729 |
0.3567 |
9 |
TBT_Top1_correct.csv |
Automatic |
0.1623 |
0.3600 |
10 |
SGEast |
TBT_LSTM_25_wcrop.txt |
Not applicable |
0.1548 |
0.3400 |
11 |
TBT_submitted_topBest3_correct.csv |
Automatic |
0.1548 |
0.3500 |
12 |
BatmanLab |
TBT_SuperVx_Hist_FHOG_lr_0.414000.csv |
Automatic |
0.1533 |
0.3433 |
13 |
SGEast |
TBT_LSTM_37_wcrop.txt |
Not applicable |
0.1431 |
0.3333 |
14 |
TBT_submitted_topBest5_correct.csv |
Automatic |
0.1410 |
0.3367 |
15 |
TBT_Top4_correct.csv |
Automatic |
0.1352 |
0.3300 |
16 |
TBT_Top2_correct.csv |
Automatic |
0.1235 |
0.3200 |
17 |
BatmanLab |
TBT_submitted_bootstrap.csv |
Automatic |
0.1057 |
0.3033 |
18 |
BatmanLab |
TBT_submitted_top3_0.490000.csv |
Automatic |
0.1057 |
0.3033 |
19 |
BatmanLab |
TBT_SuperVx_Hist_FHOG_Reisz_lr_0.426000.csv |
Automatic |
0.0478 |
0.2567 |
20 |
BatmanLab |
TBT_submitted_top2_0.430000.csv |
Automatic |
0.0437 |
0.2533 |
21 |
BioinformaticsUA |
TBT_run0.txt |
Not applicable |
0.0222 |
0.2400 |
22 |
BioinformaticsUA |
TBT_run1.txt |
Not applicable |
0.0093 |
0.1233 |
23 |
- When referring to the ImageCLEFtuberculosis 2017 task general goals, general results, etc. please cite the following publication which will be published by September 2017:
Yashin Dicente Cid, Alexander Kalinovsky, Vitali Liauchuk, Vassili Kovalev, Henning Müller, Overview of ImageCLEFtuberculosis 2017 - Predicting Tuberculosis Type and Drug Resistances, CLEF working notes, CEUR, 2017.
author = {Dicente Cid, Yashin and Kalinovsky, Alexander and Liauchuk, Vitali and Kovalev, Vassili and and M\"uller, Henning},
title = {Overview of {ImageCLEFtuberculosis} 2017 - Predicting Tuberculosis Type and Drug Resistances},
booktitle = {CLEF2017 Working Notes},
series = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings},
year = {2017},
volume = {},
publisher = { $<$$>$},
pages = {},
month = {September 11-14},
address = {Dublin, Ireland},
- When using the provided mask of the lungs , please cite the following publication:
Yashin Dicente Cid, Oscar A. Jiménez-del-Toro, Adrien Depeursinge, and Henning Müller, Efficient and fully automatic segmentation of the lungs in CT volumes. In: Goksel, O., et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the VISCERAL Challenge at ISBI. No. 1390 in CEUR Workshop Proceedings (Apr 2015)
Title = {Efficient and fully automatic segmentation of the lungs in CT volumes},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the {VISCERAL} Anatomy Grand Challenge at the 2015 {IEEE ISBI}},
Author = {Dicente Cid, Yashin and Jim{\'{e}}nez del Toro, Oscar Alfonso and Depeursinge, Adrien and M{\"{u}}ller, Henning},
Editor = {Goksel, Orcun and Jim{\'{e}}nez del Toro, Oscar Alfonso and Foncubierta-Rodr{\'{\i}}guez, Antonio and M{\"{u}}ller, Henning},
Keywords = {CAD, lung segmentation, visceral-project},
Month = may,
Series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
Year = {2015},
Pages = {31-35},
Publisher = {CEUR-WS},
Location = {New York, USA}
- Vassili Kovalev<>, United Institute of Informatics Problems, Minsk, Belarus
- Alexander Kalinovsky, United Institute of Informatics Problems, Minsk, Belarus
- Vitali Liauchuk, <> United Institute of Informatics Problems, Minsk, Belarus
- Henning Müller,
<> University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Sierre, Switzerland
- Yashin Dicente Cid,
<> University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Sierre, Switzerland