LifeCLEF 2022 results dissemination
LifeCLEF 2022 Workshop - Thursday, 8th Sept (in the context of CLEF 2022 conference, programme), CEST time
9:00 - 10:30 LifeCLEF session 1 - chair: Alexis Joly (Inria, PlantNet)
5’ Introduction - [slides]
35’ Keynote talk - Diego Marcos (Wageningen University) - Automatic plant trait annotations for plant species ID - [slides]
15’ PlantCLEF overview - Hervé Goëau (CIRAD, PlantNet) - [slides]
10’ PlantCLEF participant - Mingle Xu (Jeonbuk National University) - Vision Transformer-based Unsupervised Transfer Learning for Large Scale Plant Identification - [slides]
15’ GeoLifeCLEF challenge overview - Titouan Lorieul (Inria, PlantNet)
10’ GeoLifeCLEF participant - Benjamin Kellenberger (EPFL) - Block Label Swap for Species Distribution Modelling
11:00 - 12:30 LifeCLEF session 2 - chair: Hervé Goëau (CIRAD, PlantNet)
30’ Invited talk - Tom August (CEH) Opportunities and challenges at the frontier of ML and biodiversity - [slides]
25’ SnakeCLEF & FungiCLEF overview - Lukáš Picek (Univ. of West Bohemia)
10’ SnakeCLEF participant - Benjamin Bracke (Dortmund university) - Combination of Object Detection, Geospatial Data, and Feature Concatenation for Snake Species ID
10’ FungiCLEF participant - Stefan Wolf (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) - Transformer-based Fine-Grained Fungi Classification in an Open-Set Scenario
10’ BirdCLEF overview - Stefan Kahl (Cornell, Chemnitz univ.)
5’ BirdCLEF participant - Marcos Conde (H2O.ai, University of Würzburg) - Few-shot Long-Tailed Bird Audio Recognition - [slides]
- Jan 2022: registration opens for all LifeCLEF challenges
- Jan-March 2022: training and test data release
- May 2022: deadline for submission of runs by participants
- May 2022: release of processed results by the task organizers
- 27 May 2022: deadline for submission of working note papers by participants [CEUR-WS proceedings]
- 13 June 2022: notification of acceptance of participant's working note papers [CEUR-WS proceedings]
- 1st July 2022: camera ready copy of participant's working note papers and extended lab overviews by organizers
- 5-9 Sept 2022: CLEF 2022 Università di Bologna
Building accurate knowledge of the identity, the geographic distribution and the evolution of species is essential for a sustainable development of humanity, as well as for biodiversity conservation. However, the burden of the routine identification of plants and animals in the field is strongly penalizing the aggregation of new data and knowledge. Identifying and naming living plants or animals is actually almost impossible for the general public and often a difficult task for professionals and naturalists. Bridging this gap is a key challenge towards enabling effective biodiversity monitoring systems. The LifeCLEF evaluation campaign aims at boosting and evaluating the advances in this domain since 2011. In particular, the 2022 edition proposes five data-oriented challenges related to the identification and prediction of biodiversity: (i) BirdCLEF 2022: bird species recognition in audio soundscapes, (ii) GeoLifeCLEF 2022: location-based prediction of species based on environmental and occurrence data, (iii) PlantCLEF 2022: image-based plant identification at global scale (300K classes), (iv) SnakeCLEF 2022: snake species identification in medically important scenarios, and (v) FungiCLEF 2022 Fungi recognition from image & metadata
Registration and data access
Please look at the registration process on the page of each challenge.
CLEF Conference and working notes
LifeCLEF lab is part of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF). CLEF consists of independent peer-reviewed workshops on a broad range of challenges in the fields of multilingual and multimodal information access evaluation, and a set of benchmarking activities carried in various labs designed to test different aspects of mono and cross-language Information retrieval systems. More details can be found on the CLEF 2022 website.
Submitting a working note with the full description of the methods used in each run is mandatory. Any run that could not be reproduced thanks to its description in the working notes might be removed from the official publication of the results. Working notes are published within CEUR-WS proceedings, resulting in an assignment of an individual DOI (URN) and an indexing by many bibliography systems including DBLP. According to the CEUR-WS policies, a light review of the working notes will be conducted by LifeCLEF organizing committee to ensure quality. As an illustration, LifeCLEF 2021 working notes (task overviews and participant working notes) can be found within CLEF 2021 CEUR-WS proceedings. These proceedings are indexed by most bibliography repositories such as DBLP, Scopus, Google scholar, ResearchGate, etc.
All LifeCLEF working notes have to be submitted before 27 May 2022 at:
Within Easychair, please select the LifeCLEF track and the topic corresponding to the task you participated in (e.g. PlantCLEF, BirdCLEF, etc.)
LifeCLEF presentation at ECIR 2022
A brief overview of the whole LifeCLEF lab will be presented at ECIR 2022 conference (April 10 – April 14, 2022).
Organizing Team
- Alexis Joly, INRIA / University of Montpellier, LIRMM, ZENITH team, France,, France, alexis.joly(replace-by-an-arrobe)inria.fr
- Henning Müller, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland in Sierre, Switzerland, henning.mueller(replace-by-an-arrobe)hevs.ch
- Hervé Goëau, Cirad - AMAP, Montpellier, France.
- Stefan Kahl, Center for Conservation Bioacoustics, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University, USA, sk2487(replace-by-an-arrobe)cornell.edu>
- Willem-Pier Vellinga, Xeno-Canto foundation for nature sounds, The Netherlands, wp(replace-by-an-arrobe)xeno-canto.org
- Holger Klinck, Center for Conservation Bioacoustics, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University, USA, holger.klinck(replace-by-an-arrobe)cornell.edu>
- Tom Denton, Google LLC, San Francisco, USA, tmd(replace-by-an-arrobe)google.com
- Hervé Glotin, University of Toulon, France, glotin(replace-by-an-arrobe)univ-tln.fr
- Lukas Picek, Dept. of Cybernetics, FAV, University of West Bohemia, Czechia, lukaspicek@gmail.com
- Milan Sulc, Rossum.ai, Czechia, milansulc01@gmail.com
- Jiri Matas, The Center for Machine Perception Dept. of Cybernetics, FEE, Czech Technical University, Czechia, matas@cmp.felk.cvut.cz
- Jacob Heilmann-Clausen, Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate University of Copenhagen, Denmark, jheilmann-clausen@sund.ku.dk
- Titouan Lorieul, University of Montpellier, Inria, LIRMM, titouan.lorieul(replace-by-an-arrobe)inria.fr
- Elijah Cole, Caltech, Computing and Mathematical Sciences, US, ecole(replace-by-an-arrobe)caltech.edu
- Benjamin Deneu, INRIA / University of Montpellier, LIRMM, ZENITH team, France, benjamin.deneu(replace-by-an-arrobe)inria.fr
- Christophe Botella, Université de Grenoble Rhônes Alpes, France, christophe.botella(replace-by-an-arrobe)gmail.com
- Maximilien Servajean, LIRMM – UMPV, Montpellier, France, Maximilien.Servajean(replace-by-an-arrobe)lirmm.fr
- Hervé Goëau, Cirad - AMAP, Montpellier, France.
- Pierre Bonnet, Cirad – AMAP, Montpellier, France, pierre.bonnet(replace-by-an-arrobe)cirad.fr
- Lukas Picek, Dept. of Cybernetics, FAV, University of West Bohemia, Czechia, lukaspicek@gmail.com
- Marek Hruz, Dept. of Cybernetics, FAV, University of West Bohemia, Czechia, mhruz@ntis.zcu.cz
- Andrew Durso, Department of Biological Sciences, Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, USA
Infrastructure support
- Ivan Eggel, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Sierre, Switzerland, ivan.eggel(replace-by-an-arrobe)hevs.ch
- Julien Champ, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis - ZENITH team, LIRMM, University of Montpellier, France, julien.champ(replace-by-an-arrobe)inria.fr