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Subtask 1: concept annotation

In the concept annotation task your goal is to detect the presence of the various concepts in the images and provide us with the annotations on an per-image basis, see the figure below for an example.

Images annotated with the concept 'reflection'.

Data format

We can distinguish between the 'concept' files, where each file refers to a single concept in which its presence or absence in the images is indicated, and the 'annotation' files, where each file refers to a single image in which the presence or absence of the concepts is indicated.

Concept files: clean version
The clean version of the concept files only lists the image identifiers for which the human annotators decided by majority vote the concept was present. The format of a file referring to a particular concept is as follows:

[image identifier a]
[image identifier b]
[image identifier c]
[image identifier z]

Concept files: raw version
The raw version of the concept files lists for every image several judgments given by human annotators on whether or not the concept was present. The format of a file referring to a particular concept is as follows:

[image identifier 0] [judgment] [judgment] ... [judgment]
[image identifier 1] [judgment] [judgment] ... [judgment]
[image identifier N-1] [judgment] [judgment] ... [judgment]

where each line contains an image identifier and at least three judgments, each of which can be either 0, indicating a particular annotator did not believe the concept was present, or 1, indicating the annotator believed the concept was present; the elements on a single line are separated from each other by a single space.

Annotation files: clean version
The clean version of the annotation files only lists the concepts for which the human annotators decided by majority vote it was present in the image. The format of a file referring to a particular image is as follows:

[concept a]
[concept b]
[concept c]
[concept z]

Annotation files: raw version
The raw version of the annotation files lists for each concept the agreement between the judgments of the human annotators whether or not it was present in the image. The format of a file referring to a particular image is as follows:

[concept 0] [agreement]
[concept 1] [agreement]
[concept 2] [agreement]
[concept N-1] [agreement]

where each line contains the name of a concept and the average agreement on the presence of a concept, where both elements are separated by a single space.

Be aware that there is no guarantee that the concepts are 100% correct. Even though the concepts have been annotated by multiple persons, there is a lot of room for personal interpretation and thus subjectivity. Some concepts are relatively easy to detect, e.g. 'sun', 'cat', whereas others are more difficult, e.g. 'partial blur', 'active', so make sure your algorithm is flexible enough to handle different levels of annotation quality.

Submission format

The submission format to indicate which concepts are present in an image is similar to the format above. Each image in the test collection is to be represented by a single line in your submission file, which should look as follows:

[image identifier] [confidence score for concept 0] [binary score for concept 0] ... [confidence score for concept N-1] [binary score for concept N-1]


  • The image identifier refers to the filename of the image as above.
  • The confidence score refers to a floating-point value between 0 and 1 that indicates how confident your algorithm is in the presence of the concept in the image, where a higher value denotes a higher confidence.
  • The binary score refers to a value of either 0 or 1 that indicates the final decision of your algorithm on the presence of the concept in the image, with 0 meaning the absence of the concept and 1 meaning the presence of the concept.
  • The elements are separated from each other by a single space.

We call each submission a 'run'. When you submit a file you will be required to indicate which features you used for the run, i.e. visual features only, textual features only or a combination of visual and textual features. You are allowed to submit up to five runs in total. The submission system will perform an automatic check to see if your submission file is correct.


To determine the quality of your annotations we will apply three different measures:

Mean Average Precision (MAP)

This evaluation measure first ranks the images by their confidence scores, from high to low, for each concept separately. The images are inspected one by one and each time a relevant image is encountered the precision and recall values are computed. In case of ties we consider all the images with the same confidence score together at once and produce only a single precision and recall value for them. We then interpolate the values so the recall measurements range from 0.0 to 1.0 with steps of 0.1; the precisions at these recall levels are obtained by taking the maximum precision obtained at any non-interpolated recall level equal or greater to the interpolated recall step level under consideration. To obtain the overall non-interpolated MAP (MnAP) value we average the non-interpolated precisions for each concept and then average these averages, whereas to obtain the overall interpolated MAP (MiAP) we instead average the average interpolated precisions over all concepts. Note that your primary focus should be on the interpolated MAP, which is the value we report below, although for completeness we report both the non-interpolated and interpolated MAP values in the detailed results.

Geometric Mean Average Precision (GMAP)

This evaluation measure is an extension to MAP. When comparing runs with each other the GMAP specifically highlights improvements obtained on relatively difficult concepts, e.g. increasing the average precision of a concept from 0.05 to 0.10 has a larger impact in its contribution to the GMAP than increasing the average precision from 0.25 to 0.30. To compute the non-interpolated GMAP (GMnAP) and the interpolated GMAP (GMiAP), we follow the same procedure as with MnAP and MiAP, but we instead average the logs of the average precision for each concept, after which we exponentiate the resulting average back to obtain the GMAP. To avoid taking the log of an average precision of zero we add a very small epsilon value to each average precision before computing its log, which we remove again after exponentiating the averages of these logs; when the epsilon value is very small its effect on the final GMAP is negligible. Note that your primary focus should be on the interpolated GMAP, which is the value we report below, although for completeness we report both the non-interpolated and interpolated GMAP values in the detailed results.


The F1-measure uses the provided binary scores to determine how well the annotations are. We have computed the instance-averaged, micro-averaged and macro-averaged F1 scores for the photos as well as for the concepts. The instance-F1 for the photos is computed by determining the number of true positives, false positives, true negatives and false negatives in terms of detected concepts and using this to compute the F1-score for each invididual photo, after which the F1-scores are averaged over all photos. The micro-F1 for the photos is computed by averaging the precision and recall scores for each individual photo and then computing the F1-score from these averages. The macro-F1 for the photos is computed by aggregating the number of true positives, false positives, true negatives and false negatives over all photos and then computing the F1-score based on these numbers. The micro-F1 and macro-F1 for the concepts is computed in a similar fashion, swapping the roles of the photos and concepts. Note that your primary focus should be on the photo-based micro-F1, which is the value we report below, although for completeness we report all instance-F1 and macro-F1 values in the detailed results.


In the table below we present the results for the runs, organized alphabetically by team name. We have evaluated the quality of your annotations on all concepts combined, as well as for the different concept categories. You can download the detailed results at the bottom of this page. For future reference you can download the Java-based evaluation code below; note that the code may not look as simple as MATLAB code that hides away many of the details, but it was written with legibility in mind. We will release the ground truth on the first day of the CLEF conference, so afterwards you will be able to apply the code to your own runs.

BUAA AUDR MiAP GMiAP F-ex Features
1341023263573__AUDR_Photoannotation_result1_sift_200_softQuantile_Svm_visualFeatureOnly 0.1423 0.0818 0.2167 Visual
1341063910124__AUDR_Photoannotation_result2_textOnly 0.0723 0.0320 0.0209 Textual
1341070659023__AUDR_Photoannotation_result3_textAndVisual 0.1307 0.0558 0.2592 Multimodal
CEA LIST MiAP GMiAP F-ex Features
1340892526368__multimedia_visualcsift_tagflickr_tagwordnet 0.4159 0.3615 0.5404 Multimodal
1340892584587__textual_tagflickr_tagwordnet 0.3314 0.2698 0.4452 Textual
1340892630317__multimedia_visualrootsift_tagflickr_tagwordnet 0.4086 0.3472 0.5374 Multimodal
1340892682486__multimedia_bomw 0.4084 0.3487 0.5295 Multimodal
CERTH MiAP GMiAP F-ex Features
1340992633395__final_prediction_textual 0.2311 0.1669 0.3946 Textual
1340993620758__final_prediction_visual 0.2628 0.1904 0.4838 Visual
1340993764133__final_prediction_all 0.3210 0.2547 0.4899 Multimodal
1341055581582__gp_run_final_1 0.2887 0.2314 0.2234 Multimodal
1341071165550__final_prediction_l 0.3012 0.2286 0.4950 Multimodal
DBRIS MiAP GMiAP F-ex Features
1341345555412__DBRIS1 0.0927 0.0441 0.0973 Visual
1341345723239__DBRIS2 0.0938 0.0454 0.0752 Visual
1341345360379__DBRIS3 0.0925 0.0445 0.0998 Visual
1341345864189__DBRIS4 0.0976 0.0476 0.1006 Visual
1341345998705__DBRIS5 0.0972 0.0470 0.1070 Visual
1341323222049__jchfr15k 0.4258 0.3676 0.5731 Multimodal
1341324363582__jch10ksep 0.4003 0.3445 0.5535 Multimodal
1341326138352__jchb10ksep 0.3972 0.3386 0.5533 Multimodal
1341332281453__jchaggsep 0.4212 0.3655 0.5724 Multimodal
1341332329608__jchbicwelf 0.4173 0.3611 0.5717 Multimodal
IMU MiAP GMiAP F-ex Features
1340180988512__result_new_300_7 0.0819 0.0387 0.0429 Visual
1341057511120__tag_wiki_expansion_max_postProb 0.2368 0.1825 0.4685 Textual
1341058520826__tag_inex_expansion_training_testing_max_postProb 0.2174 0.1665 0.4535 Textual
1341060050739__tag_max_postProb 0.2241 0.1698 0.4128 Textual
1341098490654__tag_wiki_expansion_training_testing_normalized_0-1 0.2441 0.1917 0.4535 Textual
IL MiAP GMiAP F-ex Features
1340039987845__submission 0.1521 0.0894 0.3532 Textual
1340824468570__submission 0.1724 0.1140 0.3389 Textual
ISI MiAP GMiAP F-ex Features
1342439831472__result_SIFTLBP 0.3243 0.2590 0.5451 Visual
1342439923209__result_SIFTLBPtf 0.4046 0.3436 0.5559 Multimodal
1342440163722__result_SIFTLBPcSIFTtf 0.4136 0.3540 0.5583 Multimodal
1342440273401__result_SIFTLBPcSIFTtf_tfidf 0.4131 0.3580 0.5597 Multimodal
1342529215789__result_SIFTLBPtf_tfidf 0.4029 0.3462 0.5574 Multimodal
KIDS NUTN MiAP GMiAP F-ex Features
1341025732325__result(Weight)-10000 0.0947 0.0495 0.3505 Multimodal
1341025924275__result(NoWeight)-10000 0.0985 0.0537 0.3478 Multimodal
1341026222425__KIDS_semi_flickr 0.1018 0.0472 0.3149 Multimodal
1341026490143__KIDS_high_precision_result_flickr 0.1022 0.0470 0.3662 Multimodal
1341307398571__kids_result_flickr_2 0.1717 0.0984 0.4406 Multimodal
LIRIS MiAP GMiAP F-ex Features
1340989148486__1_text_model 0.3328 0.2771 0.3917 Textual
1340989148487__2_text_model 0.3338 0.2759 0.4691 Textual
1341063302096__3_visual_model_New 0.3481 0.2858 0.5437 Visual
1341063410100__4_multi_model 0.4366 0.3875 0.5763 Multimodal
1341019255800__5_multi_model 0.4367 0.3877 0.5766 Multimodal
MLKD MiAP GMiAP F-ex Features
1340892940373__1-textual 0.0744 0.0327 0.3951 Textual
1340893147700__2-visual 0.3185 0.2567 0.5534 Visual
1340893262024__3-multimodal1 0.2933 0.2337 0.5045 Multimodal
1340893445802__4-multimodal2 0.3118 0.2516 0.5285 Multimodal
1340893604449__5-multimodal3 0.2065 0.0814 0.5253 Multimodal
MSATL MiAP GMiAP F-ex Features
1340905852212__annotations-1-visual 0.0868 0.0414 0.1069 Visual
1341055512433__annotations-2-final-textual-byConcept 0.2209 0.1653 0.2093 Textual
1341055594867__annotations-3-final-textual-byKeywords-k=15 0.2086 0.1534 0.2635 Textual
1341055678417__annotations-4-final-visual+textual-byConcept-BestMerged 0.0867 0.0408 0.0277 Multimodal
1341055785851__annotations-5-final-visual+textual-byKeywords-k=15-BestMerged 0.0842 0.0397 0.0319 Multimodal
NII MiAP GMiAP F-ex Features
1341125654162__NII.Run1.KSC.Loc45-G8 0.3306 0.2694 0.5566 Visual
1341125997092__NII.Run2.KSC.Loc36-G8 0.3318 0.2703 0.5549 Visual
1341126361701__NII.Run3.KSC.Loc45 0.3265 0.2650 0.5600 Visual
1341126879290__NII.Run4.KSC.Loc36 0.3264 0.2645 0.5588 Visual
1341127140704__NII.Run5.KSC.LocDenseSIFT30 0.3174 0.2525 0.5572 Visual
NPDILIP6 MiAP GMiAP F-ex Features
1341070721262__result_4KBN_384FV_a10b1 0.3437 0.2815 0.4199 Visual
1341070953984__result_4KBN_384FV_a20b1 0.3356 0.2775 0.3786 Visual
1341348153832__result_4KBN_a10_b1 0.3364 0.2765 0.4009 Visual
1341348523492__result_4KBN_128FV_a10_b1 0.3356 0.2688 0.4228 Visual
PRA MiAP GMiAP F-ex Features
1341306249556__svm_mean 0.0857 0.0417 0.3331 Visual
1341307557750__svm_majority_selection 0.0837 0.0403 0.3140 Visual
1341312033114__svm_dynamic_score_selection 0.0900 0.0437 0.2529 Visual
UAIC MiAP GMiAP F-ex Features
1340348352281__submision1 0.2359 0.1685 0.4359 Visual
1340348434346__submision2 0.1863 0.1245 0.4354 Multimodal
1340348489605__submision3 0.1521 0.1017 0.4144 Multimodal
1340348583288__submision4 0.1504 0.1063 0.4206 Multimodal
1340348681456__submision5 0.1482 0.1000 0.4143 Multimodal
UNED MiAP GMiAP F-ex Features
1340596306907__UNED_UV_01_CLASS_IMG_NOTADJUST 0.1020 0.0512 0.1081 Visual
1340597220209__UNED_UV_02_CLASS_IMG_RELEVANTSEL_NONREL_OUTSIDE 0.0932 0.0475 0.1227 Visual
1340597731356__UNED_UV_03_CLASS_IMG_RELEVANTSEL_NONREL_INSIDE 0.0873 0.0441 0.1360 Visual
1340878836459__UNED_UV_04_CLASS_Img_base2_TextualFilter 0.0756 0.0376 0.0849 Multimodal
1340876077953__UNED_UV_05_CLASS_Img_base3_TextualFilter 0.0758 0.0383 0.0864 Textual
URJCyUNED MiAP GMiAP F-ex Features
1340955853089__run1_image 0.0622 0.0254 0.1984 Visual
1340977673169__run2_texto 0.0622 0.0254 0.3527 Textual
1340977928858__run3_mix1 0.0622 0.0254 0.2306 Multimodal
1340978141242__run4_mix2 0.0622 0.0254 0.2299 Multimodal

Note that the MAP and GMAP are very dependent on ties in the confidence scores of images. An example case is URJCyUNED, where all images in each run received a confidence score of 1.0. This resulted in only a single precision-recall value computed for all these images combined, which happened to be the same for each run. In contrast, the F-ex scores are based on the binary annotations, and these scores were thus not affected by any ties.

Package icon BUAA AUDR.zip11.51 MB
Package icon CEA LIST.zip15.06 MB
Package icon CERTH.zip19.11 MB
Package icon DBRIS.zip19.21 MB
Package icon DMS-SZTAKI.zip18.97 MB
Package icon IL.zip7.79 MB
Package icon IMU.zip18.98 MB
Package icon ISI.zip18.78 MB
Package icon KIDS NUTN.zip18.8 MB
Package icon LIRIS.zip18.93 MB
Package icon MLKD.zip18.88 MB
Package icon MLKDX.zip15.11 MB
Package icon MSATL.zip19.35 MB
Package icon NII.zip19.44 MB
Package icon NPDILIP6.zip15.26 MB
Package icon PRA.zip11.26 MB
Package icon UAIC.zip18.83 MB
Package icon UNED.zip19.39 MB
Package icon URJCyUNED.zip15.29 MB
Package icon evaluation_code.zip9.47 KB